Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Little Camper

Seamus and Cormac have ventured off on their adventure to Camp McLean, Wisconsin!

In his traditional fashion, Seamie was a bit stoic upon arrival at Camp.  
Quietly, checked things out and is surely living it up at this point!

Very glad to have his lifelong buddy, Cormac to join him.

 Sleeping quarters.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Happy 10th Birthday Finn!

My sweet Finn turned 10 today!  I can't believe we've had him for that long...
I'll try to capture a bit of his loves and interests at this point in his life.
Hockey, baseball stats (especially Pirate related), football cards, soccer,
chicken wings, steak, lamb chops, maple brown sugar oatmeal,
playing with friends, riding his Ripstick, legos, his new iPod
ESPN, pajama pants, warm sweatshirts, "sport shorts"
Finn still snuggles, holds hands, gets teary in sad books and movies.
Starting to see a bit of a frustrated preteen when siblings annoy him.  Teetering on the
edge of little boy and big man.  Still sweet, good natured and easy to be around.  
Couldn't ask for better.

 Rock Climbing at Maggie Daley Park.

 The much anticipated gift...
 Birthday chicken wings.

Topped it all off with a late night hockey game!

Also golfed with Dad and went to lunch but there is no photographic evidence of this.
Currently enjoying root beer floats and having a sleepover with the usual suspect -- Sean.

Elsener Weekend