Saturday, October 29, 2011

Field Trip

Seamie and his class went to the Little Red School House Nature Center for their very first field trip. They explored various Illinois animals and plants. They were instructed by the guides not to run around like "a pack of wild wildebeasts" so that they could observe the animals in the wild. Needless to say we did not see any animals in the wild.

Checking out the view.

Fuzz and snakes.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Seamus has created quite a gallery of art work at Preschool this year, but this one takes the cake. Check out this spider hat, coupled with a fine necklace of black and orange beads and a pumpkin with his name on it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spooky Swing Set

They are currently decorating the swing set with fake legs, "blood" and spider webs.
What happened to my little scaredy cats?