Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Angels

Louise goes to church.

Even Olivia finds her behavior questionable.


Finn, Seamie and their friend Jane were the caboose of the Christmas procession at Christmas Eve mass. It was adorable (and a little nerve wracking because Seamus was holding an open flame.)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Collage

Saoirse is loving our door of Christmas cards.
She removes them on a regular basis and carries photos around saying "Bee Bee " (baby) and Whee-veey (Livy).
Sometime she just stares and the door counting "Bee Bee's".

We are anxiously awaiting for Afton's photo to arrive in our mailbox.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Midwest Boy

A poor hill-less boy trying to sled on his driveway.
He was entertained for hours none the less.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lou's Lair

Finn, Seamie and I made a "hide out" for Louise in her extra closet.
They like it more than she does, but she'll grow into it.

Please note the blue pillow in the background that Eleanor gave to Saoirse for Christmas. It has "Girls Rule" embroidered on it. :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray for Christmas Vacation

Fire fighting Fuzz

Reenacting his Halloween costume.

That's T.

Spray Art

Little kids on a big couch.