Saturday, October 2, 2010

Too Fast for Photos...

Fuzz is moving too fast for photos these days.

I tried continuously to get a picture of her in her tutu dress, 
purple polka dot tights and new silver shiny shoes....

...but Fuzz had other plans.

Mike says she looks like Blossom.  

I think she looks really cute :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Big Cousin

She'll probably never let her be Daphne when they play Scooby Doo....

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Fun

Doesn't get any better than a big pile of leaves.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Crowd Pleaser

We made a new batch of play dough today.
We finally found something all three of us like!

Fuzz was choosing to "color" on her play dough most of the time.
Probably the end of those markers.

T and Seamie go to town!

(Yes, Finn does wear his soccer uniform as much as he possibly can).

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Go Blackhawks!

Everyone is glad that the Hawks are back.
Lou might need a Crosby jersey if she is going to be swayed.

Monday, September 27, 2010


This is Finn T. scoring a goal (despite the loud cheering for his teammate Sabrina, it IS Finn scoring!)

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Finn has been begging for lamb chops ever since he had them at his friend Jackson's house for dinner about five months ago.  We tried to explain that lamb chops are really not a meal that you get to enjoy every week.  Finn persisted.  Dad finally came through with lamb chops dinner for the T.  Finn sucked down these featured chops and two more intended for his mother.