Friday, February 1, 2013


I just wanted photographic evidence of the one day in their lives that Saoirse and Seamus were actually getting along.

Fort making brings peace to all.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A True Renaissance GIrl

I participated in Saoirse's first ever Parent Teacher Conference today.  Apparently, Miss Fuzz, the looney pictured below, is quite the model student.  Mrs. Georges wrote on her "report card" that "Saoirse loves everything about preschool.  She is a true renaissance girl."  I was confused by this statement, not exactly knowing what "renaissance" meant in this scenario...but I assumed it was a compliment.  A recently  Googled definition says "A woman who is good at multiple things. Mainly a smart, kind, talented person. Generally very rare people."  Go Fuzzy!

Mrs. Georges said she was the only child to master all of the benchmarks.  My goodness!  The only things she needs to work on is cutting down on the tattling when others are not following rules...hilarious.    Keep showing that preschool who's boss, my sweet Saoirse Lou!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Melting Snowmen

Enjoying S  and  S's snowman art on a 55 degree day in January...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Finn 7.5

Finn informed us that today was his half birthday (thank you, Ogden Avenue School).  He had plans to sabotage Graham Elsener's birthday party, but we decided to sing at breakfast instead.

He was glad to receive a few birthday pencils at school.  He gifted Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone  to his class as is the tradition at Ogden.

Let It Snow!

Ok, so it was only an inch...but we still enjoyed ourselves none the less.

Do Not Enter!!!!!!

Seriously, who is he kidding?