Thursday, August 5, 2010


We had a busy afternoon of chores...

Seamie didn't cry too much at camp today, but the teacher said he hung close to her most of the time.  Oh, Seamie.

Finn did a great job playing with the neighbors today.  He walked over, knocked on the McNeila's door and politely asked if the kids wanted to come play in his sandbox.  After dinner, joined by Jake and Quinn, they all played hockey while Elizabeth played with Saoirse and parents chatted.  The boys went to the McNeila's back porch to play board games until 8:30 PM.  The kids played by themselves while parents were on the front lawn.   Quinn supervised Seamie :)  A very nice suburban evening...of course tears were had when it was time to end the night.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Little Pooper...

Seamie is VERY proud of he should be :)

Besides peeing, we went to camp, changed all of the vehicle batteries so that all things with wheels beep, drive, whistle and play music, went to Aunt Cate's and had a family game of "Trouble" -  Finn's new favorite game.

Seamie is also doing a great job with the Magic Tree House book. 
 He, Finn and I read a chapter before bed each night.  

And finally, both boys have been singing a lot of  "Chim Chiminey, Chim Chiminey, Chim Chim Cheerery!"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back in the Swing of Things

We're back after 10 fun filled days with Pap and Grandma.  Finn cried at the airport...missing you.

No photos to post today, but news!  Seamus wore underwear and pull ups from 7 AM- 5 PM and only had one accidents (which was poop).  He told me every time he had to go!  

We will get back to more exciting posts tomorrow.  Thanks again for a wonderful time.