Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter of Her Discontent

Is it teeth?
Is it her constantly runny nose? Her cough?
Has she embraced the terrible two's a few months too early?
Does she need a vacation? (A vacation from her problems.)

....or is she just being a daughter that her grandmother was hoping I would have?

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Neighbors

Enjoying some milkshakes with our new neighbors, Ellen and Cormac.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Go Steelers

We are still wearing our new Steeler hoodies everyday. I overheard Finn telling Seamie that he was Big Ben and Finn would be Troy Palamalu (as they were playing football with the stupid Dalmationey...I hate that thing.)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to the routine...

We are so sad that Christmas is over. We are lamenting not staying in our jammies until noon everyday. Back to school...back to figuring out how to entertain people while making dinner with no other adult in sight. Sigh.

Seamie started his two day program at school today. He has a different teacher and was in a different classroom, but he hopped right in. Miss Rhonda was there to tell them all that she would see them later :) Thank you, Miss Rhonda.

Monday, January 3, 2011

They Skate!

Finn and Seamus went skating for the first time on Sunday night.
They were AWESOME! They both loved it and did such a good job.
Lots of fun.