Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This and That

Lounged in our PJ's until 9:00.
Played baseball outside.
Ate Lunch.
Sent Finn to science camp.
S & S napped.
Played basketball.
Played soccer.
Had a porch picnic.
Played It Tag.
Ended the night with a basement fort.
I hope we have many summer days like this one!

Monday, June 13, 2011


"SeanandDoyle" refers to Sean and Doyle (not pictured) McNeela, Finn's biggest obsession.

They were together from 10 AM until 8 PM tonight, including Science Camp for Finn and Sean. Seamus was quite perturbed that he could not attend Science Camp. Being 3 is such a drag on his social life...

At any rate, I am glad that Finn has found a best friend that also happens to be our neighbor, but at the same time, it is a bit sad that he never ever wants to be at home any more. I kind of miss my baby T. He is still quite snugly once we hit the couch for night time books, but I can tell this is the beginning of the end of as my baby boy grows up.