Thursday, September 16, 2010

Full Court Fuzz

I think we have a future on the court...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seamus McNamus

We recently checked out a book entitled "Finn Throws A Fit".  As we were leaving, the librarian offered to find a children's book with Seamus' name in it.  Lo and behold, she found a book.

 Seamus McNamus, The Goat Who Would be King.
Click title to check it out.  It was actually pretty hilarious...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Nature Collage

Prior to Seamus having a 103.1 degree temperature and Mike being diagnosed with PINK EYE (#$@!!*&) we spent the afternoon making a nature collage. 
It's nice that while our neighbors helped us with the project, they probably contracted strep and pink eye.  Nice, Murray's.  Real nice.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Go Blue!

They've turned on you, Pap.

Please note that Finn painted his own face at the Zoo today.

Video requires your sound to be on.