Seamus and Saoirse learned what it would be like to have a Great Grandma yesterday.
We visited Cormac's Great Grandma Gladys Heenan (GGG) at her apartment building in LaGrange Park. GGG is 93 years old and is quick as a fox.
We ate:
Fruit Loops
Chocolate Donuts
Orange Juice
French Toast
GGG let us watch Elmo at in her apartment as well.
Needless to say the trip was a success.
I didn't get a picture of GGG this round. Next time.

Elevator to GGG's apartment.

Probably inappropriate.
All of GGG's residents were THRILLED to see this bunch. We had a great time hanging out in her courtyard entertaining the masses.
GGG's apartment looked exactly like Nan's. It made me want to cry a little...
All of her pictures, even a gold shamrock hanging on the wall and a nice pink recliner for watching her shows. I think that Nan and Grandma would have liked this crazy crew.
We're going back for Halloween.