Last nights dinner conversation:
Finn: Mom, will you be home alone when Saoirse goes to school tomorrow?
Mom: Yes!
Finn: What will you do?
Mom: I don't know. What do you think I should do?
Seamus: You see that over there (referring to the china cabinet)? You should climb up there and jump off of that.
Mom: Oh. I never thought of that. Finn, what would you do if you were home alone?
Finn: Get the hose. Fill the house up with water and make a boat.
Mom: That might cause a lot of damage to our house.
Finn shrugs, having never considered this angle.
One hour later in the basement:
Scene: All children are wrestling. Saoirse is sitting on Seamus' head.
Finn: Seamus! There is a vagina on your head!!!
Mom: Finn, we don't need to be talking about Saoirse's vagina.
Finn: Ok. Seamus!!! Saoirse's nuts are on your head!!!!