Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Up In The Clouds

Me:  On this night 6 years ago, we were all by ourselves in the hospital room.
Saoirse:  Where was Daddy?
Me:  Home with Finn and Seamus.  But he stayed with me a lot, just not overnight.
Saoirse:  Who watched the boys when Daddy was holding me?
Me:  Aunt Meg and Uncle Sam.
Saoirse:  Oh.  Was Livy in Aunt Meg's belly?
Me:  Not yet.  
Saoirse:  Oh (long pause).    She must have still been up in the clouds.
Me:  Yes, probably up in the clouds.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Birthday Lady

The day she has been waiting for!  #6  Saoirse got all of her requests today.  Birthday pancakes and sausage, a lot of plastic Barbie items, yellow dog cupcakes and sausage pizza for dinner.  Yes, that was double sausage today.  Finn even let her wear his Blackhawks shirt to school.

After swimming, her neighbor friends came over to sing to her and enjoy yellow dog cupcakes.  They played Barbie, hula hooped and had a massive Taylor Swift sing off.  I'd say it was a success.  I would like her to freeze at 6.  No more.  Stop now, please.