Today was the first official day of summer vacation (yesterday it rained from sun up to sun down so it doesn't count). We had a picnic on the front lawn and played a lot of "Eye Spy". Eye Spy goes something like this:
Seamus: I spy blue car.
Mama: No, Seamie, just tell us the color. Don't tell us what it is.
Seamus: I spy blue car.
Mama: Ok.

After lunch, nap and a Father's Day art session we met the Comer's at a pool near out new house. We had lots of fun in the "small" (not baby) pool and big pool. Seamie and I went down the water slide. Finn is proud to report he went down alone. Lou was nervous at first (clawing her nails into Mama's back for about 45 minutes, but by the end of the trip she was laughing and splashing and was holding onto the side of the "small" pool by herself.
We had a few treats at the snack shop, bringing me back to my Crafton Pool days....

Is that Saoirse in a black bikini? Yes, it is.
And finally, Aveen Margaret Mac Entee was born at 2:30 PM today. Another friend in La Grange. Welcome Aveen!