Finn celebrated his 5th birthday at school today along with classmates, Max and Miller. The triplets celebrated yesterday and Sydney, Elise and Lizzie were last week. Lots of cupcakes and juice boxes have been had in the final days of school. Below is Finn showing his age in fingers.

As the birthday boy, Finn got to share "News" in the morning. Everyone has so much to tell at the beginning of each day. As a way to limit the chatter, Mr. Gillespie chooses three people who get to share "News" each morning. Finn forgets what his "News" was. Must have been really important....
Dad, Seamus and I got to join in for the last 30 minutes of class. Seamus was thrilled. Saoirse took a nap at Aunt Meg's.
Once we got there, Finn got to choose the book to read before snack time. He chose a book about volcanos. No one else was very interested in his selection, but Finn narrated while Mr. Gillespie read none the less.
Finn and Max enjoying the birthday treats. Tiny green vanilla cupcakes and apple juice before lunch time always goes over well.

On to the other four celebrations that are planned for his birthday in July!