Thursday, May 27, 2010

My First Ice Cream Sandwich

I'm ready for Dairy Queen, Pap!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Early morning bubble blowing,

then some went to school, some went to Cormac and Ronan's house.

A trip to the dentist followed.  Finn has a discolored front tooth.  Turns out to be bruised, which is no big deal.  Got his teeth cleaned and obtained forms for Kindergarten.  
Little Brother observed said process.

Followed by some road building with B and a swim lesson (not pictured).

The day ended when Melissa the babysitter came and put three very tired children to bed while Mama and Dad went out for their last dinner in the neighborhood (sniff, sniff). 
 It was very tasty.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Busy Day

We had a busy day today.  Mama got her teeth cleaning (and needs to get her wisdom teeth out).  Seamie got sheered like a sheep at Hair Cuttery.  His usual stylist wasn't there...
We also played with our friends Mari and Jackson Saad.  Mari and Seamie are featured below enjoying the Billibo's.

Fuzz chose to tear books while everyone was busy playing.
And the packing continues!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hot! Hot! Hot!

It was 92 degrees today!  We went swimming at Aunt Cate's....twice.  We went in the morning and then invited ourselves back again in the afternoon because we could not bare the thought of going to the park (or staying in the boxed up house.)

Some of us liked the pool more than others.
Lou preferred to snack.  Too much excitement going on in the pool, as you can see.

In other news, we tried to deprive Seamie of his nap in order to have a better bedtime hour.  I only let him sleep for 45 minutes today.  At this moment he is still up to his old ways -- running out of the room and jumping on sleeping siblings.  Sigh... 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bottless Baby Girl

Miss Saoirse is bottleless!  
No bottle in the morning, 
no bottle at bed time, no bottle at 4 AM....

Such a big girl.