Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Finn after a full day of school.
Don't worry. He recovered. He proceeded to go swimming and
cry when it was time to come in after dinner at 7:00.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ist Grade

First day of 1st Grade!

Neighbors: Top Row) Jackie, Lizzie, Quinn, Maddie and Jake
Bottom Row) Doyle, Sean, Finn and Seamus

Walking to school.

Anxiously waiting in line.

Finally in!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Last Day of Summer

Can you believe these people are going to school tomorrow?

For all intents and purposes, today was the last day of summer. The weather cooperated and we spent most of our time playing. We went for some last day of summer ice cream cones.
We picked up our box of supplies at school....which got us somewhat excited (maybe).

We are packed and ready to go. We even made it into bed by 8:30....though I doubt any sleeping is going on. 1st Grade here he comes!