Saturday, February 18, 2012

Two Wild And Crazy Girls

Liv came out for the day this week. It was like spending the day with two drunk college girls.

There was an excessive amount of kissing, hugging, laughing, hand holding, tripping and calling hello to all people (and dogs) on the street.

Needless to say we had a very good time.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wearing Our Red!

Saoirse was the only one who would dress the part. Seamus wore blue (shocking) and Finn wore a Blackhawks t shirt that had red writing.

We made heart shaped burgers for dinner!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Update: Taken Alive!

Squirrel has been captured alive.  He is quietly (probably due to a combo of peanut butter and dehydration) in his trap.  Kevin the trapper will be here in the morning to remove him and "give him back to nature" if he survives the night.


There's a squirrel in the fireplace. This is cause for great excitement.

Some want to keep him. Some want to "give him back to nature".

Dad and I just want him out. Dead or alive.

Don't worry. A strong wall has been built and after watching a few scary videos on You Tube last night, we decided to call a professional. Kevin the trapper had set a trap and Dad is ready for anything in the meantime.