We survived our two days with four kids under six years of age. Sam and Meg took a 30th birthday trip to Napa and between the grandmas and aunts and uncles, Livy stayed in Chicago for a whirlwind stay with her cousins.

Truthfully, I was never really worried about Livy. She is so sweet and fun to play with. It was Saoirse I was worried about. And I was right...

The Fuzz was well aware that all eyes were no longer on her and she took full advantage to practice her naughty ways, running away, rolling in the dirt and giving Livy a few loving tackles when no one was looking.

Overall, Uncle Bobo and I were pretty exhausted, but everyone slept well, had fun and sustained no injuries as far as we could tell. I am pretty sure that Olivia wants to move to the suburbs now...and Finn cried this morning when she had to go. Come back any time, Liv!

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