Miss Saoirse Elizabeth had her 2 year check up with week. She is fit as a fiddle...and hearty. She weighs 29 lbs 6 oz and is 34 inches long. Here are a few of her favorite things at age 2...
Favorite Book - Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
Favorite Song- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (she sings it to me every night after we read her bed time books)
Favorite Toys- Pink Jumping Dog, Baby and her stroller
Sleeping Lovie- "Nunny"
Favorite Foods- crushers, hot dogs, pirate booty, juice boxes and ravioli
Favorite Activities- going "oww-side", swinging, reading books and coloring
Other loves - Dora, Elmo, her red sneakers and Uncle Sam
Nicknames- The Fuzz, Lulu, Louise
Overall, Saoirse is very much a girl -- sweet and salty! She is snuggly, loving and affectionate...and rough and tumble and enjoys a good wrestle with her brothers. Speaking of brothers-- she's in love with them. Shouts their names every time she sees something interesting -- "Tee Tee! Meamie! A choo choo!" Saoirse is funny and she knows it. She is definitely the family hambone. She loves sunglasses, showing her belly and wearing other people's shoes. I look forward to hearing what she has to say in her third year as she continues to express herself with her words.
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